
Our Story

At apeonet, we are dedicated to the preservation of nature and its habitats. Through sustainable crypto-based solutions such as the Merit Token, that represent and protect the work nature does to keep the planet habitable. We aim to empower entrepreneurs to make passive income while contributing to the well-being of our planet.

At apeonet, we believe that technology can be harnessed to create positive change in the world through a virtual ecosystem. With a focus on environmental sustainability, we have developed innovative solutions that not only benefit individuals but also our planet.

At apeonet, we are passionate about our mission to create a more environment-friendly future, where wealth doesn’t come at the cost of the environment. We believe that wealth plays a significant role in contributing climate change, and we are determined to make a positive impact by offering a greener way of wealth, that’s accessible to everyone.


With apeonet, like-minded people participate in activities such as carbon offsetting, biodiverse reforestation projects, and renewable energy initiatives. By doing so, members not only earn a good living but also support the health of our planet. This is your start of a truly sustainable #NatureBackedEconomy. Whether you want to save nature, turn a profit, or both, there’s a lot more to come. Everything you can do with money today, you’ll be able to do soon with Merit Token.

To become a apeonet member, you must be an entrepreneur aged 18 years or older and citizen of the UK, EU, EEA or EFTA. Join us on this #YesWeUseCRYPTOToo mission as a pathway towards a sustainable future for all, leaving no one behind.

Together, we can make a difference!

Get in Touch

Please contact us if you want to know more about apeonet.

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Business World Alicante Muelle de poniente s/n Alicante, Spain